V-Mart Foundation

We respect and value the ecosystem we live and operate in. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is something which V-Mart has adopted since its inception. As our business continues to grow, so does our responsibility to serve not just our customers, but the society at large.

Over the years we have launched and been operating several CSR initiatives. The intention has been to give back to the society by serving the underprivileged, especially our children, who are the future of our nation. As we continue to evolve our CSR activities, we have launched the V-Mart Foundation, the philanthropic wing of V-Mart Retail Ltd., which would offer a dedicated platform to further this noble cause. The prime aim of V-Mart Foundation is to uplift the underprivileged and specially-abled people in rural and tier 2/3/4 regions by supporting them in the realms of education, skill development, sports, employment etc.

Importance of CSR in our company

CSR is an integral part of our company as well as our company vision. It is an “Impact through Empowerment” within us.

Our Objective

The main objective of the CSR policy is to lay down guidelines for the Company to make CSR a business process for sustainable development of the society at large. It aims to enhance and implement the society welfare measures by the Company in a well structural manner on short and long term basis with a vision of making V-Mart to act as Good Corporate Citizen. CSR is an evolving concept at V-Mart, it’s been there since incorporation, we have promised to ourselves to take up the responsibility of ensuring a healthy ecosystem. V-Mart’s CSR program is anchored on the continuing commitment to improve the quality of living conditions and opportunities for the differently able without regard to their faith, origin or gender.

Our CSR Policy

The V-Mart CSR policy is broadly framed taking into account the following measures:-

1) Welfare measures for the community at large including employees and their families, so as to ensure the poorer section of the society derived the maximum benefits.

2) Contribution to the society at large by way of social development, imparting education, training, social awareness specially with regard to economically backward class for their development and distribution of necessary clothes/foods item to the poor society in rural area of the country. V-Mart Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy is underpinned by the following:

 a) Contributing for a better tomorrow

b) Empowering the community

c) Promoting employee participation and commitment to CSR

How we achieve this:

Our main aim is to be committed to sustainable development through partnering with those NGOs which are aimed at enhancing the living standards of deprived citizen.

Our main focus areas in CSR are:

 1) Providing education in rural areas and carrying out other activities for education in the local areas, awareness program on girls education, providing school bus/ cycle facilities to needy girl student of the school in the operational area of the Company/Company outlet, support to technical/vocational institutional, support for education for their self development;

2) Water supply including providing drinking water in rural area, Company operational area, installation/repair of hand pamps, rain water harvesting scheme

3) Generation of employment in rural areas/small town, cities;

 4) Grant /donation/financial assistance to hospitals, reputed NGOs, charitable institutions/sponsorships to reputed NGOs of the society/locality doing/involve in upliftment off the standard of the society;

5) Providing clothes/foods and other necessary items to poors and needy section of the society living in different parts of the country, specifically the section of the society in vicinity of stores/outlets/warehouse/offices of the Company;

6) Adoption of any village for carrying out the activities like infrastructure development, education development, community development, providing employment opportunity for the villagers;

7) Empowerment of woman for education/health & self employment;

8) Health care by providing Indoor medical facilities & medicines, organizing health awareness camps;

 9) Activities relating to environment protection, including plantation, green belt development.

Activities relating to social empowerment including training of rural youth for self employment on welding, fabrication and electronic appliances, construction of hostels for girls, care for senior citizens, organizing training programmes for woman on tailoring, fabrication designs, home foods, painting and other vocational courses.

vmart mission and vision


Create value and make our ecosystem proud.

vmart mission and vision


Care for customer aspirations, discover and nurture talent,
sustained ethical growth for stakeholders and harness
vendor relationships.